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Epic sandwich!

Black and white drawing of sandwich

Epic sandwich social graphic. Part of Understanding Marking Criteria campaign for the Department of Literature, Film and Theatre Studies.

Cloud of Despair

Cloud of despair above domino cartoon character

Cloud of despair social graphic for Knocking SPOTS mental health campaign (School of Health and Social Care). Don't hide your mental health. Own it.

Black dog days

Domino cartoon character with black dog domino

Black dog days social graphic for Knocking SPOTS mental health campaign (School of Health and Social Care).Everybody has a black dog day from time to time.

EDI graphic

Image of four colourful people

Custom illustration to used in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion slide presentation for undergraduate students (People and Culture).

Height premium

Tall man holding paper money above short man

Custom illustration for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion slide presentation for undergraduate students (People and Culture).

Sexism in science

Man in light from open lab door and woman in the dark

Custom illustration for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion slide presentation for undergraduate students (People and Culture).

Auguste Deter Portrait

Artwork of Auguste Deter

Graphic for Dementia awareness campaign, The Many Faces of Dementia. Developed with the School of Health and Social Care. Auguste Deter, the woman in the image above, was the first person diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at the beginning of the 20th Century.

Library poster

Library poster with cartoon of Shakespeare on it

Poster designed to promote the extended opening hours of the Library to all students.

World in one place poster

World in one place poster

Poster to promote the world in one place campaign at the University.

Goddess of Life

Cartoon of Isis, Egyptian Goddess of Life

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