The module will develop your skills in reviewing and critically appraising academic text. You are required to write a literature review which should focus on a contemporary issue in sport and exercise science. This process involves searching for, obtaining and understanding the research literature and the critical skills required to analyse and synthesise the material into a literature review. The review should be firmly based in the contemporary literature and will reference original research papers as well as reviews and standard texts. The literature will never embody data collected by the author except on the very rare occasions when a meta-analysis of others' findings is included. A good literature review will not only review the literature but also weigh conflicting arguments and adopt a logically defended position. It is acceptable to present published data in the form of figures and tables (with the source acknowledged) or to perform a meta-analysis. You should therefore endeavour to use existing sources of literature to discuss a contemporary issue in a new or original way.
The aim of the module is to develop critical awareness of the current state of research on a selected topic and produce a critical synthesis in written format.
Learning Outcomes
In order to pass this module students will need to demonstrate an ability to explore in depth issues in sport and exercise science through critical review of the contemporary literature.
By the end of the Literature Review module you should be able to:
1. Plan and prepare for an extended literature review;
2. Use various library and online resources to identify and retrieve relevant literature;
3. Communicate effectively draft literature review ideas via an oral presentation;
4. Adopt a critical and evaluative approach to writing;
5. Construct logical arguments supported with appropriate sources of evidence;
6. Critically appraise research papers and construct a literature review;
7. Formulate clear, coherent and convincing arguments in relation to a topic or issue;
8. Clearly communicate thoughts and ideas orally and in written format;
9. Adopt an opinion or position in relation to an issue which you are able to defend confidently.
Seminar (week 2) – Introduction to the literature review process
Master Class 1 (week 3) – Retrieving journal articles, literature databases and End Note
Master Class 2 (week 4) – Structuring your literature review and referencing. How not to plagiarise
Master Class 3 (week 5) – The art of critical appraisal and synthesising literature
Group Tutorials (weeks 6 and 9) – Facilitate process of developing review
Seminar (week 10) – Oral presentation of your draft literature review
- Module Supervisor: Jason Moran