Module Description
This module will provide the student with a broad introduction to the psychology of exercise and physical activity. The student will explore the psychological mechanisms that explain how an active lifestyle can enhance wellbeing. Despite the evidence that an active lifestyle is good for wellbeing and health, not everyone is meeting the minimum recommendations for physical activity. Why this behaviour is not being performed will be explored, by examining theories, empirical research, interventions, and initiatives that have incorporated active living and leisure-time exercise. Students will be encouraged throughout the module to enhance their critical thinking skills to evaluate research evidence and communicate their knowledge to academic and general population audiences.
Module Aims
This module aims to provide you with a theoretical and practical understanding of how psychology underpins physical activity behaviours which in turn, can improve wellbeing and quality of life.On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
1. Understand what is meant by wellbeing and how this relates to physical and psychological health
2. Understand how physical activity and active lifestyles aid wellbeing
3. Understand theories of behaviour change, behaviour change techniques and how these can be used in intervention design
4. Understand social and individual difference (personality) constructs that influence activity engagement.
5. Critically evaluate and understand what factors may contribute to a “successful” physical activity intervention
6. Demonstrate key skills in the retrieval, synthesis, analysis, and communication of information from current literature in the field