This module is part of the continuing programme of skills-focused modules that provides you with the opportunity to develop some of the skills you need as a sport and exercise practitioner and ensure you can compete successfully in the job market. You will be encouraged to undertake sport science/coaching specific work experience and to reflect on your experience. You will produce a portfolio of skills allowing you to evaluate the skills you have gained during any work experience, your degree and activities outside of your course (e.g. voluntary work, sporting activities etc.).
In the Summer School a number of options will be available which develop your skills as a sport and exercise practitioner. These include on-field first aid management, coaching, and applied sports science. In the research methods and data analysis part of the module you will practice and extend your skills in processing, evaluating, and analysing research and data. Finally, this module will provide you with a structured opportunity to think about your future and about how the skills you have developed through work opportunities (including volunteering), academic, sporting and social experiences of your university life are contributing towards and transferable to your career development. It will also enable you to develop a career action plan to support you in fulfilling your hopes and potential.
Learning outcomes:
To pass this module students will need to be able to:
1. participate in a research project to prepare you for your third year research dissertation;
2. apply a variety of standard statistical methodologies to the evaluation and analysis of typical data in the sport and exercise sciences;
3. demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of data presented in a variety of formats;
4. demonstrate an understanding of the job application process and preparation of curriculum vitae's and accompanying documents;
5. develop a written strategy to optimise your employability;
6. update your personal development and skills e-portfolio;
7. reflect upon the learning experiences of life at University and plan your development for the future.
Part A: Sports Science Summer School – (normally undertaken at the end of Year 1) practical skills in sports science. 5 days; 9.00-5.00 each day comprising practical sessions and lectures/seminars; 1 x 30 min MCQ; 15 h student directed learning.
Part B: Employability - 3 x 2 hrs careers workshops; 1 x 4 hrs careers conference;; 5 hr group tutorials; 2 x 15 min individual tutorials; 40 hrs student directed work based experience(which can include voluntary work, work as a sabbatical officer in SU sports club etc.).
Part C: Research Skills and Data Analysis – 3 x 2 hrs statistics workshops; 1 x 2 hr statistics assessment, 1 x 2 hr presentation skills, 1 x 2 hr evidence searching, 1 x 2hr appraising the evidence, 1 x 2hr translating evidence to practice and writing, 1 x 2hr basic skills in excel, 1 x 2hr basic data science, 1 x 2hr Ethics
Part D: Research Participation - 8hrs research participation