This module offers anthropological perspectives on subaltern groups in Latin America, especially indigenous peoples and Afro Latin Americans. We will focus on issues of representation, identity and political mobilisation. Some of the issues will be looking
at are: gender relations within indigenous communities; indigenous cosmology; issues of race and identity; images of indigeneity and blackness; sexualities; and tourism.
Students will be expected to read full length ethnographic monographs. The
exam is based on the reading of at least two of these ethnographies which students can choose themselves.
The module is conducted through two-hourly sessions which are a mixture of lecturing, reading, small group discussion and general discussion.
On some occasions films will be shown. All students are expected to participate and contribute. The module will be assessed by 70% coursework and 30% exam. There will be a range of coursework assessments including a test and reading assignments.
are no textbooks for this module but a module pack is produced for students which includes essential reading, reading assignments and other module information
Category: Department of Sociology and Criminology