The module offers the methods elements for the Anthropology degree scheme and incorporates basic ethnographic research methods. The autumn term will cover the theories, ethics and philosophical and conceptual bases of ethnographic research methods. We will focus on ethnographies and articles that critically discuss ethnographic research methods in preparation for the mini ethnographies students will conduct in the spring term.
To provide students a basic understanding of ethnographic research methods so they can apply and practice such methods in the field; interpret and critically analyse data; and write a mini ethnography.
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of theories, philosophies and critiques of ethnographic research methods.
2. Develop cultural sensitivity and proper ethical frameworks to conduct research in different social and cultural contexts.
3. Develop necessary skills to formulate a research proposal.
4. Apply ethnographic research methods to conduct field research.
5. Demonstrate analytical articulation and writing skills by completing a mini ethnography.