This module covers advanced topics in language acquisition, focused specifically on the acquisition of phonology and grammar. In this module, students will be introduced to the acquisition of phonological contrasts and specific grammatical constructions, such as relative clauses, WH-questions, and passives. Additionally, this module evaluates two major theoretical approaches to explanation in acquisition: nativist and emergent accounts. This module should contribute to student’s knowledge of phonology and syntax in general, to their understanding of theoretical issues in linguistics, and provide familiarity with acquisition patterns in English speaking children.
This module aims to give students an overview of research on children's acquisition of English and to introduce them to a variety of data analysis techniques. The module also gives students the chance to develop and present their arguments in different
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the module, the student will be able to:
(i) describe commonly used empirical methods in language acquisition research
(ii) discuss the core assumptions of theoretical models in research on the acquisition of the syntax of their first language by preschool children,
(iii) describe and analyse aspects of the syntax of preschool children's speech, using appropriate terminology, techniques and computer tools (CHAT, CLAN),
(iv) critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of research into preschool children's acquisition of the syntax of their first language(s),
(v) present ideas in a structured, coherent and cohesive fashion, using appropriate style and terminology, and demonstrating clarity, precision, accuracy and originality.
- Module Supervisor: Laurel Lawyer