There is a consolidation of basic grammar structures and new elements are looked at. There is also a greater focus on more difficult areas of Spanish for English speakers.
Classes are taught in Spanish and English. There is also a greater emphasis on communication in Spanish, with constant practice of oral skills.
The course encourages students to make use of self-study and students are encouraged to look at films, television programmes, and magazines and make contact with native speakers of Spanish. The portfolio assessment requires students to compile a collection of their class work, formative assessment, and "extra" work. This also requires students to both reflect on their learning journey and to incorporate material of personal interest.
Students are asked to produce written work of greater length in Spanish at this level and are expected to begin to recognise different forms of written Spanish.
The aim of this course is for students to expand their language skills to incorporate more sophisticated structures.
Search results: 1
Category: Modern Languages (LA)