HR231 is an essential preparation module for the History Research Project (HR831). The module explains the purpose of the Research Project, and provides a sense of how historians develop research questions and proposals. In seminars you will be able to discuss and practise the skills you are learning and to benefit from peer discussion of ideas. The portfolio tasks will keep you engaged with the module and enable you to complete the final pieces of module coursework – the proposal for your own Research Project, and a short verbal 'pitch' (presentation) about your Project.
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The History Research Project (HR831) is a substantial piece of historical research which you will have begun in your second year of study. In the final year of your course you will complete your research, write up your findings and submit your Research Project in the Summer Term. The Research Project is the longest single piece of work you will do at Essex and plays an important part in the assessment of your degree scheme, forming one-eighth of your final mark. It is also the intellectual culmination of your history degree, giving you the opportunity to engage in independent research on a topic of your choice and to develop your own ideas and arguments in order to create a new piece of history. By doing your Research Project you will develop your research, writing and presentation skills; you will also be able to demonstrate project-management skills, as you plan and execute a major piece of work to a specified time-scale. These are all valuable skills that you can take with you into further study or the world of work.
- Module Supervisor: Matthias Rohrig Assuncao
- Module Supervisor: Nadine Rossol