EC123 is a compulsory module for all students in economics. It is different from other Economics modules in the sense that there is no exam and it runs over the whole of the three years of undergraduate studies. Upon the completion of the module students will have developed an understanding of the working world and skills necessary to successfully compete in the graduate labour market after graduation.
The module is assessed on a Pass/Fail basis and it is 100% coursework. There are required assignments due at the end of each academic year, though, the final mark for the module will be based on the reflective 1500-2000 word essay turned in at the end of the third year. The final essay will need to discuss the set of employability skills acquired by doing each of the required assignments and how those assignments factored (or will factor) into the student's job search. Attendance at lectures is mandatory.
All the resources for this module will be available in Moodle and you can contact the Employability and Careers Centre for further support.
- Module Supervisor: Marco Francesconi