Module Description
module will provide an understanding of the fundamental principles of
signal and image processing. Concepts will be applied to digital
signals and the spectral information studied including the Fourier
transform, the Z-transform and their relatonship to different types of
digital filter.
Module Aims
The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental principles of signal and image processing and their manipulation.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this module, students will be expected to be able to: 1. understand the fundamental concepts related to digital signals
2. understand Fourier transform and spectral estimation
3. understand Z-transform and apply it in digital filter design
4. describe different types of digital filters
5. implement typical digital signal processing methods for specific applications
Outline Syllabus
- Introduction to signal analysis
- Discrete-time signals and systems Signal conditioning
- Fourier analysis and spectral estimation
- Digital filtering basics
- Z-transform
- Transfer function
- FIR and IIR digital filter structures
- Digital filter design
- Signal processing applications
- Module Supervisor: Sefki Kolozali
Category: Undergraduate