Module Description
This module describes the fundamental principles of telecommunication systems and networks covering both RF/MW and optical fibre communications by a unified approach.
Following an overview of modern and future telecommunication networks and an introduction to basic principles of information and its processing in communications, the main transmission and demodulation techniques of the information-carrying analogue and digital signals are considered in depth for RF/MW and optical systems.
Lightwave communication systems, their key components and operation principles are discussed next. This provides an integral understanding of how modern communication systems operate at all levels from top to bottom. The analysis is extended to consider multi-channel optical fibre transmission systems employing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical technology, the cornerstone of modern photonic networks. Operation of key elements and switching sub-systems such as optical cross-connects (OXCs) and optical add-drop multiplexers (OADMs) and the others are studied in detail.
The concluding part of the module deals with transmission system engineering, including analysis of the effect of various impairments on the system performance, system optimisation, and power budget. Consideration of basic issues of telecommunication network deployment, management and network survivability and protection completes the module.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. Discuss the main features of modern telecommunication networks.
2. Explain the principles of information, its measure, coding, transmission, and detection.
3. Explain signal transmission fundamentals.
4. Describe the main components of lightwave telecommunication systems and their operation.
5. Describe multi-channel optical fibre transmission systems and explain their elements.
6. Discuss transmission system engineering.
7. Explain basics of network deployment and management and network survivability.
Telecommunication network evolution. Hierarchical network architectures.
Network topologies.
Services. Circuit switching and Packet switching in networks.
Modern and emerging technologies (RF and fibre-optic, channel multiplexing (WDM, TDM)).
Brief overview of optical networks (Generations of optical networks).
Structural models of computer networks. Layered networks and reference models.
Concepts of information, messages, signals.
Analogue & digital messages.
Sampling and PAM.
Analogue-to-digital conversion (PCM) technique.
Information entropy. Data compression and source coding. Huffman coding algorithm.
Channel coding. Hamming coding algorithm.
Line coding (Manchester and Differential Manchester encoding).
Signals and noise.
Channel capacity.
Fundamental limitations of communication systems.
Shannon-Hartley law and Shannon bound.
Basic elements of communication systems.
Signals and spectra.
Non-coherent and coherent communication systems (RF/Microwave and Optical Systems).
Principles of modulation and demodulation (detection) of analogue and digital signals.
Baseband and bandpass transmission.
Digital modulation techniques (ASK, PSK, DPSK, QPSK, QAM, FSK).
Transmission formats (RZ and NRZ), their advantages and drawbacks.
Multisymbol signalling and modulation. Gray code. Constellations.
Demodulation and detection. Noise; SNR; BER in communication systems.
Optical signal processing.
Fibres: Waveguiding; Attenuation; Dispersion; Non-linear effects. Recent developments in fibre technology (Photonic crystal fibres; Plastic fibres).
Optical transmitters: Semiconductor laser diodes (FP multimode laser; DBR and DFB single-mode lasers; Wavelength tunable laser diodes). LEDs. Direct and external modulation.
Optical fibre amplifiers: EDFA; Raman and Brillouin amplifiers.
Optical receivers/detectors: p-i-n photodiode; Avalanche photodiode (APD).
Optoelectronic regenerators.
Optical Time Division Multiplexing (OTDM) and Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM).
WDM network elements/components:
Optical multiplexers and de-multiplexers.
Optical filters. Optical couplers.
Optical cross-connects (OXCs). Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers (OADMs).
Optical switches. Advanced technologies: 2D and 3D MEMS; Electro-Optics; Liquid crystals.
Impairments in optical links and their effect on signal transmission (attenuation, dispersion, non-linearity, interference, crosstalk).
System optimisation and performance enhancement.
Power budget in communication systems and networks.
Deployment considerations. Architectural choices. Designing transmission layer: Long-haul networks; Metropolitan area networks (MANs); Access network; Local area networks (LANs).
Network management functions: Performance; Faults; Configuration; Security.
Network survivability: Basic concepts and layer protection.
- Module Supervisor: Nick Zakhleniuk