Many modern electronic devices are high speed and are widely used in computer, communication, radar and various other electronic systems. The speed of these devices and systems using them can be so high that it is impossible to ignore the fundamental aspects of electromagnetic waves in their design and operation, which include circuit layouts, interconnections, antennas as well as regulatory aspects designed to ensure that devices and systems do not radiate interference. After introducing the basics of vector calculus and laws of electromagnetic fields and waves, the module converges toward the treatment of transmission lines and waveguides, matching, and mechanisms by which structures can radiate either intentionally or unintentionally.
Learning Outcomes
1. understand basics of vector calculus and their applications to electromagnetics fields and waves ;
2. explain basic electromagnetic laws in words and mathematical forms
3. evaluate electromagnetic properties of basic transmission lines and waveguides;
4. solve simple problems relating to transmission line matching and standing waves;
5. describe radiating waves in free-space and other media;
6. explain properties of a basic antenna in transmission and reception;
7. evaluate qualitatively techniques for achieving electromagnetic compatibility.
Outline Syllabus
. Vector calculus operators and their interpretation in relation to Maxwell's equations.
. Review of capacitance and inductance and the concept of storage of electric and magnetic field energy.
. Maxwell equations and free-space electromagnetic waves. Polarization. Waves in media. Metallic conductors and skin depth.
. Basic transmission lines and waveguides: coaxial, twin-wire, metallic and optical waveguides, and their electromagnetic properties
. Telegraphy equations, and analysis of transmission lines as the limit of discrete ladder networks.
. Waves on transmission lines. Characteristic impedance. Standing waves and their relation to impedance termination and matching criteria. Basic modes in rectangular waveguides.
. Radiation and antennas. Radiation from a short dipole. Radiation from a slot. Reciprocity. Antenna gain and basic link calculations.
. Electromagnetic compatibility. Unintended radiation. Balancing and shielding of currents. Isolation of power lines.
- Module Supervisor: Dariush Mirshekar-Syahkal