Module Description
module will explain internet routing protocols, Ethernet switches and
associated protocols. Addressing structures will be designed for
campus scale networks and the suitability of LAN and IP protocols
evaluated for a modern infrastructure.
The aims of this module are:
. to provide students with an understanding of Internet routing protocols, Ethernet and further IP networking;
. to cover parts 2 and 3 of the Cisco CCNA syllabus;
. to build upon material introduced in CE155.
After completing this module, students will be expected to be able to:
1. Explain and configure Internet routing protocols for interconnecting networks.
2. Explain the principles of, and configure, Ethernet switches and associated protocols.
3. Design addressing structures and interconnecting strategies for campus scale networks.
4. Assess the suitability of relevant LAN and IP protocols within a modern communications infrastructure.
Outline Syllabus
- Ethernet switching concepts and switch configuration
- Spanning tree protocol
- Virtual LANs
- Internet routing protocols
- Introduction to Classless Routing and IP address scaling
- Distance vector routing protocols, RIP and EIGRP
- Link-state routing protocols OSPF
- Configuration of RIP, EIGRP and OSPFEIGRP and BGP
- Comparison between distance vector and link stateBasic performance measurements for routing protocols
- Access control lists
- Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP)
- Network address translation
- Wireless Ethernet
- Module Supervisor: Mays Al-Naday