This is a full year module available to students in the BA Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies and BA Childhood Studies undertaking a placement year course. Students will undertake their placement at a host organisation. The student is responsible for securing the placement, with support from the University.

The module enables students to undertake a full placement year with an external placement provider. During the placement, the student will be supervised by an academic member of staff to complete a number of assessments which will enable the student to utilise and develop the links between the knowledge and skills developed in their academic course and the work-based skills developed in carrying out their placement role.


1. To provide the student with the opportunity to apply their academic learning outcomes in a work-related context.

2. To enable students to develop essential work-based skills throughout the placement.

3. To provide students with the opportunity to analyse their practical work in a theoretical context.

4. Contribute to development of student employability portfolio.

Learning Outcomes
Successful completion of the module will allow students to meet the following outcomes:

A Knowledge and understanding
1. An experience-based understanding of work roles.

B Intellectual/cognitive skills
1. A capacity to connect subject-specific theory to practice in a work environment.

C Practical Skills
1. The ability to communicate with a range of colleagues and clients in a working environment.

D Key skills
1. The capacity to work in a team within a work environment.
2. Improved personal professional practice through a reflective approach within a work environment.