CS712 aims to enable second year ISC and Philosophy students to acquire the skills, knowledge and experiences for successfully entering the job market or going on to post-graduate studies and vocational training on graduating. It is designed to ensure that you make the most of relevant opportunities available on campus while you study. Engaging with these opportunities and gaining a rich mix of extra-curricular and work/volunteering experience may make a critical difference to whether you succeed in getting the graduate job you want or obtain funding for post-graduate studies. Alternatively, to fulfil your employability training requirement, you can take the 15 credit module, CS200 Social Entrepreneurs, Sustainability and Community Action, which runs in the autumn term.

CS712 is team-taught by tutors from ISC, Philosophy, and the Employability and Careers Centre. It comprises five compulsory 50 minute core sessions, three online moodle tutorials and requires students to attend four further employability/skills-related activities, events or workshops during the Autumn and Spring terms of their second year. This module is assessed on a 1,500 word reflective essay and a professional, up-to-date, well presented, two-page CV.


The aims of this module are:

    • To prepare students for successfully entering the job market or going on to post-graduate studies or vocational training on graduating.

    • To encourage students to make the most of opportunities for enhancing their employability skills available on campus.

    • To give students an understanding of the graduate job market and employers’ preferences and a grasp of making effective applications in their final year.

      By the end of this module the student should:

    • Have a good understanding of their own interests, skills and competencies, and how these are relevant to future careers.

    • Have engaged with a range of employability and skills related events and activities available on campus or elsewhere.

    • Be prepared to make applications for placements, jobs, vocational training and/or post-graduate study in their final year.