Module Description

This module gives students the opportunity to acquire specialised knowledge going beyond the taught course syllabus and will underpin the research work they propose to undertake via directed learning.

Module Aim
The aim of these modules is to provide students who wish to pursue a research career with the opportunity to acquire specialised knowledge and/or expertise that goes beyond the taught course syllabus and will be of central importance in the research work they propose to undertake.

Learning Outcomes
After completing either of these modules students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of a specialised area of computer science or electronic engineering at a level that would enable them to undertake original research in that area.
2. Analyse, criticise and compare alternative approaches to problems in the chosen specialised area.
3. Write reports that present balanced and informed accounts of research in the chosen specialised area.
4. Undertake experimental and/or theoretical research in the chosen specialised area.

Outline Syllabus

These modules will be taught through individual supervision. The study undertaken will involve a substantial amount of reading and/or implementation and experimental work. The deliverables produced will take the form of written reports, augmented where appropriate by demonstrations.