This module will introduce students to the theory and practice of the science of general microbiology through consideration of the diversity of structure, function, methods of genetic transfer and replication of DNA among microorganisms.

Infectious agents are major causes of human disease. This module will detail some of the infectious diseases that remain a major problem despite many advances in prevention and treatment. The module looks at some of the main types of infectious agents and how they cause the diseases they do. It details the theory and practice of hospital-based biomedical science.

Novel drug design, based on a detailed knowledge of the biochemical mechanism of the disease, has already made an important contribution in several cases. This module will discuss molecular mechanisms of infectious disease and how this is being combated.

Learning Outcomes:
To pass this module, students will need to be able to:
1. Define microbiology and demonstrate an understanding of the importance of micro-organisms in ecology, disease and industry;
2. Explain how micro-organisms are classified, describe the basic structure of bacteria and viruses, and describe the key differences between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes;
3. Demonstrate understanding of the morphological, physiological and genetic diversity of
micro-organisms and their roles in the natural environment and in infectious disease;
4. Describe the structure of viruses and how they interact with cells in infected organisms;
5. Work effectively with micro-organisms in the laboratory, demonstrating in particular aseptic techniques, response to antibiotics, staining and examination under the microscope;
6. Give an understanding of the diagnosis of viral disease;
7. Provide an overview of control of hospital-acquired infections;
8. Examine the transmission of disease including food-bourne infections;
9. Examine systemic infections and causes of Pyrexia of Unknown Origin;
10. Provide an overview of Protozoa;
11. Describe the social impact and mechanisms associated with diseases caused by infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, protozoans, fungi, prions), and inflammatory disorders;
12. Discuss the drugs used to treat these diseases, including their mechanism of action, efficacy, side effects and toxicity;
13. Demonstrate competence in written communication and data analysis and interpretation.