The module considers the whole range of dispute resolution procedures which stand alongside court action before concentrating upon the main subject matter of the module; international commercial arbitration. The module reviews all aspects of arbitration from framing the submission to the issue of an enforceable award. While appropriate attention is paid to the legal framework within which arbitration takes place, particular regard is paid to the practice of arbitration with a view to identifying best practice in the working of the arbitral tribunals. The module considers arbitration laws in other states in the search for a common approach.

The vast increase in international trade has led to a proportionate increase in the use of arbitration as a means of resolving international commercial disputes. The aim of this course* is to impart awareness of the role of arbitration in this context and to consider developments in the mechanics and practice used to conduct arbitrations. Emphasis is placed on the INTERNATIONAL character of these arbitrations although a grounding in domestic law and practice will be given.